home inspection roof

DON’T Forget These 4 Things in Your Next Home Inspection

By Published On: December 17th, 2019Categories: Home Inspection Tips, Uncategorized0 Comments

You may not want to admit it, but even as a seasoned home inspector, you could miss things from time to time. If you’re going to be at the top of your game, you have to be open to feedback from those who know the business.  That’s why we’re sharing the top five things you might be missing and how to avoid missing them in the future.

Appliance Age

Do you always look at the age of the appliances in the home? If not, this is something you should institute in all home inspections going forward. Appliances only last so long. Take down the condition of major appliances along with their manufacture date. From there, do a bit of research on how long these items usually last.


Do you inspect the driveway? Even driveways that look amazing can have issues. You need to look for cracks, but you also should consider whether the concrete is weak. You can do this by tapping the driveway with a screwdriver handle. If it doesn’t sound solid, you could have a problem on your hands.

Impact of Rain

It can be time-consuming to check every room for damage, especially in places like built-in bookcases. However, home inspection experts explain that it is crucial to do so. If possible, head to the home when it’s raining to look over things. A wood moisture meter can also help find issues.

While you’re visiting during rainfall, check the roof at the same time. Drainage issues can cause issues that a homeowner deserves to know about. Make sure you also check for cracked tiles or missing shingles while you go over the roof. A roofing contractor can do a solid job of this to ensure there are no severe problems.

Asbestos & Lead Paint

Older homes can have problems with asbestos and lead paint. As an inspector, you should be testing basement ceiling tiles and window frames for lead paint, which an EPA-certified specialist can handle. Asbestos tiles also must be found since they can lead to mesothelioma, a severe lung cancer.

Take these five things and keep them in mind when you do home inspections. You’ll do a better job and find yourself more capable of giving the right news to a new homeowner.

About the Author: Kristin Warner

Kristin is the Marketing Director at AHIT. She has authored content for numerous real estate brands, and managed corporate communications for a public real estate company. She is passionate about the home inspection and real estate industries, and loves digging into research to provide insights that empower home inspectors and real estate agents in their businesses.

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